Environments: The Life Aquatic

Environments: The Life Aquatic

As some of you may have surmised, watery environments are some of my favorite “land”scapes.  And part of my endeavor as a photographer is probing the definition of landscape and the nature of place as an ongoing foundation of my work.  It’s what most good photographers like doing: recasting the character of places with a sharp eye, present mind… and a light hand.  The cultural landscape scholar John Brinckeroff Jackson describes a landscape as a tapestry of projected ideas and beliefs; an image of our common humanity.  And as long as I have the strength to release the shutter of my camera… I’m sticking with that philosophy and will continue to show more of what I’m feeling and less of what I’m seeing (to paraphrase Alfred Steiglitz).

But the question you’re really curious about is, why do I live in northern New Mexico, where there is to say the least, a scarcity of water?…. Well, let’s just say it let’s me appreciate the watery places I visit even more with subjective eyes and a curious mind.  Here are a few scenarios I came upon in various travels, I was happy to bring home with me and share with you…






1 Comment

  1. Entrancing work. Very real and sculptural parts that resonate with me. Thank you for sharing a moment in time. Much mystery remains in your art.

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